No sound from Audio Zone
1 Answer
1. Confirm that all Amplifier or DSP are powered up.
2. Confirm (if rack is easily accessible) that all wiring are securely fastened and no loose connections.
3. Confirm that Amplifier or DSP are not in standby mode.
4. Confirm what audio source is being played and if any other audio source works.
5. If only a specific audio source is being affected; please refer to list of other similar Audio problems in the "Related/Similar Problems" section.
6. If all audio sources do not play in this zone, confirm if they play in other audio zones.
7. When streaming audio sources, confirm if the control4 logo sign on the primary controller turns red color.
8. If control4 logo turns red in color, then it can be confirmed that the primary controller is receiving the right commands from the User interfaces.
9. Escalate to the Technical support team